The PTB, who fund all science, determine the scientific "consensus"- not the scientists themselves.

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Hi John,

Apart from the publication(s) behind a paywall on Dr. Lanka's https://wissenschafftplus.de/ website, I believe Dr. Lanka authorized the four publications below for public distribution (dated 3/10/22, 4/3/22, 4/25/22 and 5/21/22) regarding the 3 phases of his groundbreaking 2021 control experiments refuting the claims of virology:



3/10/22 - Phase 1


"As of today, we are looking back on several control experiments that we have carried out and are now making available to everyone free of charge and freely in a series of articles on Corona_Fakten [Corona Facts]. These control experiments refute all claims of virus existence..."

4/3/22 - Phase 2



4/25/22 - Phase 3 - Part 1 of 2


5/21-22 - Phase 3 - Part 2 of 2




Phase 1


"Stand heute schauen wir auf mehrere Kontrollexperimente zurück, die wir durchgeführt haben und nun in einer Artikelreihe auf Corona_Fakten für jeden kostenlos und frei zur Verfügung stellen werden. Diese Kontrollexperimente widerlegen sämtliche Behauptungen einer Virenexistenz...."

Phase 2


Phase 3 - Part 1 of 2


Phase 3 - Part 2 of 2


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The articles you shared here are written by the German telegram group Corona_Fakten and they mention some of Lanka's control experiments like during the measles trials, control experiment 1 & 3 but not number 2 which was specifically about the assembly of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. There he used the nucleic acids from a healthy human sample where he got 20% of the genome after 12 cycles with the PCR using strict protocol, 98.5% after 30 cycles and 100% when using the same error rate as "virologists". It's quite clear when you read the articles that you shared that number 2 that I just described a bit is not highlighted by the Corona_Fakten group in any of the articles but that you can hear about in the video of Kate Sugak & Lanka linked in my article above.

Yes, Corona_Fakten talk about the first control experiment of Lanka but they do not share the whole article of Lanka in its entirety, I on the other hand have the whole original article translated into English which is why I hesitate to share it on social media unless I got the approval of Lanka because it's originally behind a paywall. I've tried a couple of times to get a yes/no without success so far.

So the bottom line is that people should not equate control experiment 1, 2 & 3 of the Corona_Fakten articles with control experiment 1, 2 & 3 of Lanka since they are not the same. In my view Corona_Fakten framed things a bit wrong there which sadly has led to some confusion.

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Hi John, thank you for your explanation. I would like to read your translation, please forward. Thanx, Frank


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Hi John. Thanks for this handy summary :)

In my files I have a 6 page pdf describing "Preliminary Results" from Dr. Lanka's control exp #1. If you have something more on #1, I'd really appreciate a copy, at cmssyc@gmail.com. Thanks and Cheers.

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Yes, I am aware of it, doesn't change what I wrote in my article tho.

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John Did you see the discussion that he had with Dean Braus Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman where he explained specifically Control Experiment part 2?

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Yes I've seen them all, why you ask?

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Because he explains the purpose of the experiment and Kaufman goes into the yeast aspect.

I hope we are on the same page.

Control experiment phase 2 – Construction of the SARS-CoV-2 genome?

Maybe you missed something interpretation.

In an article in https://coldwelliantimes.com/eilmeldung/kontrollexperiment-phase-1-mehrere-labore-bestatigen-die-widerlegung-der-virologie-durch-den-cytopathischen-effekt/ it specifically referred to

"This effect can even be massively increased if you e.g. B., like Dr. Stefan Lanka had it carried out in the laboratory, so-called standardized yeast messenger substance ( added the RNA from yeasts ).

The video is here https://odysee.com/@DeansDanes:1/cpe-english:f

Going to suggest you may want to contact Dean Braus or even Dr Sam Baily or Dr Mark Bailey who used the experiment in his paper A farewell to Virology Expert edition.

This whole thing is over two years old so why now? Just saying.

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I have contacted both Dean Braus and Kate Sugak that have interviewed Lanka and both are in agreement with what I've wrote in this article. If you click on the links that I've provided in my article you can verify my statements which I also mentioned. Kaufman was the one who mentioned that it would be possible to construct the SARS-CoV-2 genome out of yeast RNA in that video you refer to, not Lanka himself. In the video with Kate Sugak and Lanka that I link to Lanka clearly stated that he used nucleic acids from a human sample.

So the confusion here comes because of an earlier statement that Lanka made before he had finished the 2nd control experiment AND the statement by Kaufman in the video you linked & some statements made by Cowan in other videos. This is the reason I wrote this article, to clear up the confusion since I've listened and read all of Lanka's words which is what we should adhere to since respectfully, it's his work after all where he knows best regarding this.

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"This whole thing is over two years old so why now?"

I care about the accuracy of things and I am not here to cause problems, I am here to clear up things based on Lanka's own words, not somebody else.

Yes, in the first control experiment he did use yeast RNA, he however did not use yeast RNA in the second and I base this entirely on Lanka's own words, not Kaufman or Cowan or anybody else.

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Thanks John. Clarification appreciated.

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I have personally written to Stefan Lanka requesting a copy of the second experiment. I was forwarded only to a copy of their first experiment. It remains concerning to me that the original lab reports of either experiment remain top secret. I am willing to share my correspondence with Lanka's team if requested.

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Hello everyone. I'd just like to thank all you guys (and gals) for the great work you are doing to help expose the 'virus' scam. Personally, I am still learning, and I am not quite up to speed with a lot of the details yet. I still need a bit of help to understand. So, if it's OK, could someone please explain to me, in simple terms, what exactly Dr Lanka DID manage to prove, and what he did NOT manage to prove, with his control experiments that we can actually look at and read for ourselves. I'm not really interested in what Dr Lanka SAID he did, and then didn't publish anywhere. To be honest, I find it to be a bit odd that he said certain things, and did not follow through with the proof. So I'm not going to worry about those things too much. Thanks everyone.

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Hi John,

I have found your webpage - https://truthseeker.se/ and was hoping there is a way to contact you via email to discuss some of the articles you have up on your site?

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You can contact me on Telegram: https://t.me/johnblaid

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