Well said John. If only people would properly look at the science and logic, or lack of it in the case of virology, they would get what a myth it all is. How are such otherwise intelligent people still falling for this blatant scam? There is so much in the way of clear explanations now, including the referenced Dr Mark Baileys "A Farewell to Virology: Expert Edition", which hardly leaves a stone unturned. And of course your website that I found especially helpful early in my awakening.

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Brilliant thoughts sir.

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Stew Peters has had both Andy Kaufman and Eric Coppolino on his show, more than once in the latter's case as I’m aware. Yet after hearing his guest prove that no virus has ever been isolated, that there was no excess mortality before the clot shots, and that there are 14 million “variants” that are all computer generated, he still goes on and talks about this bio weapon and this “it” that people “had”.

Keep sharing this information. Eventually it will be clear to the audiences of RFK JR, Kirsch, Malone, Stew, Broze and Bigtree that the emperor wears no virus, and they will demand the truth.

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Stew Peters and his constant Fear Porn! That Died Suddenly was not to be shared with the jabbed that already live in fear.

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Exactly. I couldn’t bring myself to share it with anyone.

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I couldn't bring myself to watch it at all.

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I like that Andy Kaufman has provided other factors that could account for several of the more alarmist "facts" that the freedom community has jumped to conclusions on. In this video he talks about other situations where the white clots were seen. In another interview he remarked that molecules besides graphene oxide can look like angular shapes under magnification.

It may well be true that these things are more common since the vax roll-out, but I'm all for checking and double-checking what's what before decisively declaring something to be so.

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Yip if the wrong belief in what does not exist " viruses" is allowed to continue the fearful nonsense will be used for control again.

You take that one step further(deeper) and you come to the needed paradigm shift from fear to love.

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Great job, John. This is just common sense, so it's hard to understand why some people appear to have so much difficulty with it.

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Thanks Christine. I agree that it is just common sense but that is sadly not that common anymore.

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Hey John. Just want you to know Southern star trails going clockwise vs counterclockwise in the north doesn’t prove you live on a spinning space ball.

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Great Post.

The pharmaceutical industry is dependent on the belief in viruses. It has created massive profit for them. I am sure they will continue to fight tooth and nail to protect it.

For this reason we need to force our governments to stop the protection racket that indemnifies them and stop the passing on of responsibility of the burden of cost to the taxpayers.

Then we need to ensure that blokes like Fauci and partners like his wife are prosecuted to the hilt and that must include Gates and all those on his scientific advisory bodies who are corrupt as hell.

We need to stop our governments from participating in the UN as this is where the head rot starts.

Ministers of health in all countries need their wings clipped seriously and these are too involved in the scam

Then the institutions of higher learning, academia must no longer be allowed to be funded and sponsored by these industries. Funds must be pooled and shared equally across all the other institutions not just the medical fraternity of those institutions. They must be prevented from influencing the outcomes of studies too.

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A dentist and a manicurist had a major misunderstanding.

They fought tooth and nail.

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Well that's the root of it.

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Viruses do exist in two places.

#1: The tiny particles produced in Ender's 1953 "viral isolation" methodology, observed with various microscopic and electron microscopic techniques. THESE PARTICLES ARE REAL. Scientists have called them "virus" for more than 70 years and they can be repeatedly observed by anyone with appropriate laboratory equipment.

#2: In the imaginations of those who believe that that the particles identified in #1 above are CONTAGIOUS and CAUSE DISEASE in plants, animals and human beings. These "contagious" and "disease causing" viruses do not exist in reality; these are *beliefs* imposed onto the tiny nanoscale particles the scientists have called "virus" for more than 70 years ever since Enders devised his reliable method of manufacturing them at will.

Cheers and love your work.


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You missed #3: In computers. In two ways: the imaginary pathogenic viruses exist as cobbled-together "genomes," and real computer software viruses exist that can be inserted into your computer's system as malware, ransomware, spyware and other viruses.

It's actually fitting: a manufactured product (computer) can be damaged by a manufactured virus (computer malware), but a natural organism cannot be damaged by an imaginary pathogen (whether it's believed to be a natural pathogen or a manufactured one), but only by BELIEF in that imaginary pathogen.

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Your point in #2, that people should read the original scientific papers that claim to "isolate" a virus is critical! You just really have to see it for yourself. The "no virus" hypothesis made sense to me when I first read about it (in Virus Mania, read in 2020), but it was reading 5 or 6 "isolation" papers that convinced me. I went from wondering if this one used the same bs process as the last one, to wondering how they would tweak the bs in this one.

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Excellent post.

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A journalist has to choose one of three: yes-virus, no-virus or eternal ambiguity.

The division exist because some in the MFM desire a savior, a political savior. The no-virus people desire freedom, not prodigies.

There is a generational gap.

People under 45 cannot settle down for passivity.

People over 45 will wait to November 2024 to admit there was no virus, when they see by themselves there is no salvation in politics.

The lawyers will continue grifting people as much as possible. Just like the sensationalist bastards.

One lesson to be learned from this scandal: do not believe the next news headline just because you love to be scared to death, or because you love to see someone confirming your views.

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Excellent points of which I happen to completely agree with. Thank you for your efforts. Best wishes from Australia.

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Im pretty sure ive already commented on this article. But i sometimes come back and re-read, so im commenting again 😁

One of my biggest pet peeves lately on this subject is all the people going around saying "BOTH things can be true" 😑 I mean, sure, in a broad, non-specific sense, yes, 2 things can be true at the same time. But in this specific topic, both things CANNOT be true. And this is my problem with the fence-sitters.

The threats & treatment that I and many others faced for not participating in delusion and forced torture- i mean experimentation (not that its any better given the outcomes we are seeing) - are beyond upsetting.... its honestly unforgivable. Maybe I will change my mind somewhere in the future. My point is, if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything. This is the hill i will die on, absolutely, without question. Not taking a position on something because you may not face direct consequences is utterly absurd. "Well if its not happening to me, its not a problem in my world". And this thought isn't even accurate because there are so many arguments i could make as to how & why this has affected everyone. Regardless if your job & livelihood weren't directly threatened (or in some instances, taken away), there are so many other ways this impacts all of us in the present and the future.

(One final comment that is kind of unrelated, but apparently DB is running for mayor of Houston, which I find hilariously ironic. He has been preaching anarchy, voluntaryism, and decentralization, while shit-talking politicians for YEARS, and now he is actively participating in it. What a hypocrite. This should tell us everything we need to know about these people. They dont actually believe in anything meaningful.... im sure he will argue that this is his solution to "fix" the system, and do something "good" for his community, but hopefully I don't need to spell out all of the problems with that. "Newbies" to the truth movement and even those who do casual research generally believe that by voting, you can fix things. People like DB KNOW BETTER. You cannot fix something that is INTENTIONALLY broken. I used to think a better idea was to throw the whole thing away and start over, but later in my journey, ive come to the conclusion that having a "system" is the problem. To govern is to control - which conflicts with natural law..

Power corrupts, always... even the most well-intentioned people will get sucked in to the evil by blackmail or other malicious reasons. Either you're in their club, or you aren't.)

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There is no value or sense in discussing the intricacies of a problem when you can get to the root of the matter. All discussion about viruses is a waste of time if viruses don’t exist. IF they exist, the next question should be whether or not they cause illness/disease. Then, the details of that can be considered. But if viruses don’t exist (which I believe to be the case until I see evidence to the contrary), just think how much time humanity has wasted discussing, writing, thinking, arguing … about viruses.

In using the word “virus,” I have been using it in its modern usage - tiny particles that invade cells and hijack them to produce things they would normally not produce which cause illness. I DO believe there are substances which are POISONS - the actual meaning of the Latin word “virus” - which could interrupt cell function and cause symptoms and illness.

Just yesterday, I received an e-mail announcing an upcoming event called “the end of covid” (dot com) which will be released on June 20. The website says there will be 100 hours of interviews, etc., by many people I have been listening to over the past 3 years, plus many I hadn’t heard of. Andrew Kaufman, Sally Fallon Morrell, Mark and Sam Bailey, Tom Cowan, and MANY more are included. Unfortunately, I didn’t see Stefan Lanka on the list, but I think he has had enough of this debate over the past 40 years and is tired of bothering to talk about something that is so obvious. (I don’t want to put words in his mouth, but that is what I got from something I heard Sam Bailey say.)

We shouldn’t be surprised that the majority can’t hear this message, but I continue to be amazed at some of the “awake” people who still hold on to viruses and squander their time writing and talking about them.

Unity is beautiful when it is centered on truth. If truth is not the basis of “unity,” then it doesn’t really exist, but is a fraud.

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Excellent Points made. Here are my two cents:

I think that we have to remember that individuals like DBroze, JCorbett, and the others you mentioned are still journalists. Conspiratorial, but still journalists. Because of this, in their world I imagine, they need concrete, solid evidence, supported by other concrete evidence.

With this topic and others, like flat earth, space, dinosaurs, and more, we agree that the foundational studies (e.g., in this case, studies that claim isolation of virus) are clearly faulty, however, these foundational studies have been "supported" upon "supported" upon "supported." I think for our journalist friends, they can't simply say that "these foundational studies are wrong," when there's a mountain of "evidence" that has been built off these foundational studies.

Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is that I don't think our journalist friends have the same pleasure of us for relying solely on our "intuition." I imagine that many of our friends, "intuitively" know "something's afoot" but they can't come out and say it as they still have a journalist reputation to uphold. (Shout out to Ryan for at least acknowledging the illusion of COVID).

To close, we can't rely on our journalist friends to address certain topics - it is simply out of their domain. However, I think there are new voices arising that are looking to put some thought and research into these topics, which is all that can be asked for.

If any one is interested in learning about why space, dinosaurs, and a globe earth are all fake, I invite you to subscribe to my substack and check out the links below:





Globe Earth:


I call these topics, and more, part of the "tenants of scientism." Scientism has built our world with this religious following and I discuss that here:


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I look at "flu" symptoms like an oven going into a cleaning cycle. It heats up and cleans out gunk that has accumulated through use and messy inputs. If your body is giving off the vibrational signal of cleaning and my body also needs cleaning, I can have a vibrational resonance response too. Kind of like if we are both tired and you yawn, it will trigger a yawn in me.

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