Christine Massey just posted this while I was writing my article which is relevant: https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/challenge-to-who-etc-re-monkeypox

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PCR makes copies of something that cannot be measured via a process that assumes the copies are exact. They are not. That's why running more cycles gives you everything, the copy is not exact digital but an analog which is inexact.


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Yeah as we all know Convid was carried out by the misuse of a PCR test.

PCR could not even detect even 1 whole of the 100% computer generated " virus" all it did was amplify a speck of rna in a sea of dna . Then test positive for having a very tiny small segment of rna, (a fraction of the rna made up digital code of the 30,000 string fraud= "sarscov2" ). And the majority believed that the rt PCR test isolated " viruses". Computer software generation ( "in digital" )is never going to be Isolation.

"Oh my god you are positive for having amplified segments of rna in your dna!!!!"

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Hej, John!

Kan jag använda ditt mail till FHM från 2022 om dokumentation av apkoppsviruset som mall till min egen förfrågan?/Peter

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Det kan du göra.

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Dr. Mary’s Monkey lays it all out if anyone wants a deeper understanding of how the polio vaccine was created ( both of them) and how it was also mixed up with politics of the time.

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